Within an organization’s IT environment, it is crucial to implement changes in a streamlined, controlled, and coordinated way to ensure business continuity. Introducing newer technologies to the IT infrastructure, system updates, staffing changes, etc. can affect security, business productivity and operations if not properly managed and implemented. The IT Change Management process aims to streamline changes and thereby minimize disruptions, mitigate risks like downtime and security breaches and support seamless transitions for employees, customers, and all stakeholders.
For heavily regulated industries such as healthcare, financial services, energy, and utility companies, managing technology changes is even more important. Government regulations are in place for a reason. To protect the people that are served by these businesses. Compliance audits and reporting can be difficult to manage if you do not have a strong change management process and software in place. Even in the less regulated industries, any IT change needs to be documented, approved, and implemented with best practices to avoid business risk. This includes a small change such as adding a new Wi-Fi router to a building as well as a major change such as the implementation of an ERP solution.
Managing change effectively across any organization is important. From a business continuity perspective to maintain uptime and remain competitive, to meet regulatory requirements, IT needs to deliver a stable and reliable environment. Good change management needs to be built into the tools leveraged across teams. Key groups include developers to IT analysts to your CAB (change advisory board). The ability to manage documentation, change requests, approvals, and reporting is required for a full IT change management process. IT is responsible for meeting the changing needs of the business, providing regular service updates and much more. Change is a constant and with the right software solution, your IT organization can consistently meet all service demands.
ChangeGear Change Manager is a robust change management solution with automated workflows, advanced approval capabilities (hierarchical, proxy approvals), detailed calendar options and more. For information, reach out to a solution expert.
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